THIS PAGE IS RAN BY SOMEGAMER, THE OG GUGGER! here we have priorities, our top one being GUGGING! we also like BOOBS, GUNS, VIDEO GAMES, AND LIETUVA!!!

ok so basically my real name is lukas, im a bisexual person. idk what my gender is, all i know is that im masculine and was assigned male at birth. i have adhd!!!


I sometimes make shitty and offensive jokes. i only use slurs that i can reclaim. if this offends you in anyway, or if this page triggers you, im deeply sorry.

alright so the shit we do on this site is awesome, i host my gay ass art, and audio, and videos,and more (if i ever get around to that) and trust, its gonna fuckigg GUG!

alright so this section is for my silly robot art. check it out!!!

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